// Miss Mustache !


Welcome to my blog, beautiful strangers. Drop nice words here. Follow me okeyh? :D. 

Kenangan Dulo-Dolu'

B2st !!
Sahabat ..
Exhausted !!!!! =,="
b2st comeback !!
1st Ramadhan ------- !
A Nightmare
Memories ^_^ v
It's time to say goodbye :'(
No Couple until 20 ! !
Frenz... :DD


The Mastermind

Basecode: Lurve
Editor: Nana Euphemia

What a relieve !! :)

haha !! muke puas !! yarh !!

hey..assalamualaikum..pehh akhirnya..aq punye masalah dah selesai..apew masalah ? banyak masalah..huhu..act aq da laew pikir masalah niey..//huhu..bjet gilew..

act aq nux cakap yunk aq hepy gilew niey..aq da boley update blog pakai netbook niey balik..sebelum ni ntah apew masalh netbook niey kalo aq tekan create new post 2 mesty pas 2 kuar blank page..tension aq..aq ingatkanxdw penyelesaiannya..last-2 ntah aq godek pew ntah tady pas 2 bawu boley..huhu..

tapi an masalahnye skunk aq xdapat nux tulis lame-2.coz nux siap-2 gy blik ostel..argghh !! sangat malas doh..atoaii..

so 2 jew la entry tok kali niey..sory kalo bosan..k bubye..tyme 2 go back to my heaven.. !!//heaven la sangat ostel 2.huhu

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